Ref2Doc helps to reduce the amount of patients that are lost through office referrals
Referred patients tend to receive the best and highest quality care because they are referred to the right doctor. This the main reason ref2doc is invented.
It eliminates the hassles and stress of referring patients. It seemly collects patients data including insurance information from one office to another and decreases the amount of time it takes to get patient to the specialist.
- Front office are the first line of customer support in the healthcare industry.
- Ref2doc technology provides the front office with real-time information to facilitate efficiency and minimize wait time for patients and providers.
- It builds trust between patients and providers
- gives providers and their front office the tools to efficiently serve their patients
- It improves patient experience and internal operations between both sides of front office among all providers.
- no more papers, faxing and shredding papers
- Paper referrals are often lost by patients
- Reduce chances of patients not following up on their referrals
- Reduce legal issues involving patient management

Ref2doc will automatically notify a patient with the providers information as soon as the patient is referred. Patient will immediately receive all information about the doctor and can easily request appointment with the doctor